What Is Dungeons & Dragons?
Dungeons & Dragons is a collaborative storytelling game in which players can create their own characters and set out together on a fantastic adventure.
One player takes the role of the Dungeon Master (DM)
and guides the story, describing its settings and inventing challenges for the other players’ characters to overcome. The DM is the narrator. The other players imagine that they are the characters they have created as they explore the game world and shape the story by making choices along the way. Open-ended, a D&D adventure can continue for hours, days, weeks, or even longer, limited only by the power of the participants’ imaginations.
What’s Needed to Play?
Initially, you will need an adventure book this is how the DM will pilot the story, a rulebook that explains how to determine the outcome of various challenges and conflicts, a set of premade characters, and a set of polyhedral dice used to add an element of chance to the story’s unfolding.